It’s raining. Not the hard pelting type, but the soft soaking kind. Delicate. Mystical. Musical in its rhythm. I love the rain. There’s a peace here unlike anywhere else. A quiet calm. I close my eyes, surrendering to each drop as it rolls gently down my face. Listening as the little pitter-patter moistens the air, the trees, the dirt beneath my feet. I wiggle my toes in the damp grass. Squish, squelch, it goes. A smile spreads across my lips. Happiness is in the rain. My hair, saturated with water, sends rivers down the back of my shirt. Drip, drip, drip. But I don’t care. The rain washes everything away. Sorrow, pain, stress, tears. For a moment, I am…nothing. I have no worries, no cares, no thoughts. Just rain. A cleanse of my soul.

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This is beautifully deep. Your imagery was so vivid I felt like I was there!

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