Hello again. I’m so happy you’re here. I am so excited to share the pieces from June’s prompt SUMMERTIME.
First up is Nicole Rivera. You can find Nicole at all things Stop Writing Alone. Or if you would like to read more of her fiction you can go to Story Hoarder
k.i.t. by Nicole Rivera
Last is myself. You can find me at all things Sprinkled Inspiration.
Color of Emotions by Heather L Huffman
How it works
On the first of the month I will give you a prompt. Once you’ve written your piece call Sprinkled Inspiration at 616-795-9886 and leave up to a three minute voicemail with your name, any social media handles you would like shared, and the piece you’ve written. *I will choose ten to include in next months newsletter. If you are uncomfortable using your name, state that in your voicemail and I will post it anonymously.
*By leaving the voicemail you give Sprinkled Inspiration permission to use your work in the newsletter, podcast, and/or any other social media promotions. You retain all rights to your work.
The prompt: EARTH
voicemails must be left by midnight ET on July 25, 2022
Do we have TWO MONTHS for this one? This is because I am always so late and you think this will help me write it sooner than the absolute last minute, isn’t it? I want to believe too!
I love that you did this. I have a book of prompts, but I prefer using the computer for my writing as I am used to it. And, I write much faster with the computer than when I print or write in cursive.
This way I have my choice and can play around with the slips.