Hi, I hope your November was better than mine. There was no audio newsletter because I had covid. I am going to use the same prompt. That means if you wrote something but missed the deadline you’re in luck.
How it works
On the first of the month I will give you a prompt. Once you’ve written your piece, call Sprinkled Inspiration at 616-795-9886 and leave up to a three minute voicemail with your name, any social media handles you would like shared, and the piece you’ve written. *I will choose ten to include in next month's newsletter. If you are uncomfortable using your name, state that in your voicemail and I will post it anonymously.
*By leaving the voicemail you give Sprinkled Inspiration permission to use your work in the newsletter, podcast, and/or any other social media promotions. You retain all rights to your work.
Voicemails must be left by midnight Tuesday, December 27, 2022 ET